Turn Links into Brand Stories

Showcase the Brand content and UGC that drives conversions

Use CasesGet Started

Your "About" page has grown up

The shortest path to your best content

Organize brand links to promote a product, share resources, create campaign buzz, collect new subscribers and more.

Crown Jewelry
34.9k Contacts
720k Contacts
12k Contacts
Choose 2 Matter
14k Contacts
39.1M Contacts

The "About" page has grown up

The shortest path to the best content

Organize brand links into focused Footprints that promote a product, share resources, create campaign buzz, collect new subscribers and more.


Meaningful groups of links - Each with its own memorable URL


Serve up the right content all the way from ToFu to BoFu

Drag & Drop

Arrange links to share the right story with your sales funnel

Multiple Footprints

Distraction-free experiences for each brand & campaign

Ready to tell a Link Story?

Get started with existing content from Instagram, Twitter or LinkTree - Edit with ease.

Enter username only - No @ or https://
13.7k Contacts

User-generated content

Leverage UGC

Link and showcase the best user-generated content from blogs, social and Google Reviews.

Activate a dynamic bundle to automatically update with posts featuring brand #hashtags or keywords.

Start Leveraging UGC
Crown Jewelry
4.9k Contacts

Product Promotion

Showcase a Product

Feature reviews, fan conversations, media coverage and a direct link to purchase.

Showcase a Product
720k Contacts

Product Promotion

Showcase a Product

Feature reviews, fan conversations, media coverage and a direct link to purchase.

Showcase a Product

Resource Sharing

Share Important Resources

  • Link to files and downloads
  • Embed instructional and educational videos
  • Share podcasts that support the brand mission
Start Sharing
Choose 2 Matter
14k Contacts

Campaign Showcase

Buzz for each Campaign

Give your campaigns the attention they deserve, with a Link Profile for each.

Feature each campaign's links, media coverage, videos and lead-gen without the distraction of other projects.

Activate Campaign
Back to School with Annabel Karmel
182k Contacts

Community Managers control multiple campaign footprints on your brand's dashboard.

Manage multiple campaign footprints on your dashboard.

Campaign Showcase

Buzz for each Campaign

Give campaigns the attention they deserve, with a Footprint for each.

Feature each campaign's links, media coverage, videos and lead-gen without the distraction of other projects.

Community Managers control multiple campaign Footprints on the brand dashboard.

Manage multiple campaign footprints on your dashboard. Activate Campaign

Lead Generation

Collect Subscribers

Add a simple Lead Collector to your brand's Footprint.

Store submissions right where you need them:



Google Sheets

Kred Influencer CRM
Match Influence Scores and Top Topics to brand Contacts

Start Collecting Leads
12k Contacts

Community Managers

Control multiple brands with Link.Kred for Agencies


Group similar links into meaningful, shareable Bundles

8.2k Contacts


Sharing a bundle of links is as easy as copy and paste



Automatically keep pages and emails up to date

<div id="widget_embed"></div>
<script>!function () { var e = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], t = document.createElement("script"); t.addEventListener("load", function () { KredNFTWidget({ target: "widget_embed", widget: "links", domain: "trucksntoys.kred" }), $("<link>").appendTo("head").attr({type: "text/css", rel: "stylesheet", href: "https://cdn.nft.kred/assets/nft/krednftwidget.css"}) }), t.src = "https://cdn.nft.kred/assets/nft/krednftwidget.js", t.type = "text/javascript", t.async = !0, e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e) }();</script>

Endorse and Share

Linking and Endorsing another Social Footprint makes it easy to share its links.

Endorse your Team and Leadership

Endorse your Brand or Product

Endorse your Campaign or UGC

Track Engagement

Alexa Davis
visited SafyaCouture.Kred

James Houston
clicked a link on SafyaCouture.Kred

Sami Greenway
liked a link on SafyaCouture.Kred

Alexa Davis
followed SafyaCouture.Kred

Luke Warren
watched a video on SafyaCouture.Kred

Sync with HubSpot

Push Event notifications to the Contact Timeline.

Alexa Davis visited CrownJewelry.Kred

James Houston clicked a link on CrownJewelry.Kred

Sami Greenway liked a link on CrownJewelry.Kred

Alexa Davis followed CrownJewelry.Kred

Luke Warren watched a video on CrownJewelry.Kred

Features loved by Brands

Start leveraging Brand UGC

All on a branded Link. Get started in 5 seconds.

10 Yrs Free


40+ Free Features

Free custom domain [fa icon="check"]
Social Actions on brand Links [fa icon="check"]
Quicklinks from social, Shopify and friends [fa icon="check"]
Analytics and custom UTM Campaigns [fa icon="check"]
See all free features



Leverage UGC

Concierge Support [fa icon="check"]
Create Dynamic UGC Bundles [fa icon="check"]
Copy and Embed Links [fa icon="check"]
Create up to 5 Social Footprints [fa icon="check"]
See all business features